Modern Abstract Paintings

Modern Abstract Painting red and burgundy hanging in room


Modern Abstract Paintings

Color, texture and proportion combine in perfect harmony.

Hahn’s modern abstract paintings are sure to blend well with your personal style. While his art is a reflection of his personal experiences and the various influences in his life, it often has no obvious subject or figure. Art can be the inspiration for a space or simply the finishing touch. Either way, bringing more art into your life can really improve your quality of life. Enjoy!

Browse my modern art

Contemporary Abstract painting that is black and white hanging above bed


Less is More

Reduction and simplification are often my primary focus.


Modern Abstract paintings blue and green with gray accents oversized hanging in modern room


Hahn’s modern abstract paintings are notable by his unique use of texture and color to explore emotion while maintaining an aesthetic integrity. Hahn usually begins with thin layers of acrylic paint, laying darker pigment over lighter pigment. He then begins his process of manipulating, deconstructing and often removing paint to expose the light hidden within. To do this, Hahn uses his own hands, rags, or non-traditional materials. This subtractive technique and similar practices have been used throughout time, dating back to ancient Grecian friezes.

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